Thursday, October 17, 2013


We recently got Suja juices in stock here at Naturally Yours, and they've piqued the curiosity of all the employees. Suja is popular both for juice cleansing and for a healthy snack. With lots of fruits and veggies packed into every bottle, it's a great and convenient way to add servings to your daily intake. They're all organic, cold-pressed, and from what we've tasted, it's also refreshing and delicious! The Master Cleanse juice (water, maple syrup, lemon, cayenne) was tasty and very spicy. It's the same combination that Beyoncé has used, so we enjoyed the cayenne burn. The Fiji juice (apple, celery, cucumber, spinach, collard greens, kale, lemon, ginger) tastes so fresh, it's like we juiced it ourselves. We're excited to try every flavor!

Right now, all flavors of Suja are 50% off! Hurry in to try some!

Todd is caught up in the excitement!

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